Combines practical advice and empathy of systemic issues that plague a majority of folks. They have this book at the ABQ Public Library. You can read two free chapters on the book's website.
Many different banks offer high yield savings accounts. These savings accounts earn higher interests rates than standard savings accounts. I prefer Alliant because it is a credit union. These accounts are great for your Emergency Fund or other shorter term savings.
Financial liberation playlist. Holler if you have a song to add.
A great podcast to find other finance people you might want to follow.
Other Money Coaches & Educators
Leo Aquino is an anti-capitalist financial coach & educator that offers one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and workshops. Super worth following him on Instagram and signing up for his Substack.
River (insta) offers a 12-week anti-capitalist money cohort as well as free workshops and budget spreadsheets.
Amanda focuses on investing and divesting. She has an investment course and offers workshops. She's worth following on instagram, too.
Use the Alumni page to find a Trauma of Money certified practitioner.
Budget Templates
Billz spreadsheet template is built for one-on-one clients as well as Brat Finance cohort members that includes tabs for 12-month budget, savings, debt triage, energy work, etc.
Defining enough - financial snapshot spreadsheet templateis for building your understanding of monthly expenses (a good starting point if thinking about 12 months is overwhelming). A client described this spreadsheet as "fun". :)
River offers budget sheets for singles, couples, and triads. This sheet tracks one month of income + spending. They also run an anti-capitalist money cohort called Take Control.
For those who hate a spreadsheet: You can download these budget worksheets and print them out to use. You'll be doing a lot of math by hand/calculator instead of via Spreadsheet. Sign up for free by providing your email. The budget worksheet is for one month. I like tracking both how much you think you'll spend ("budgeted amount") and what you actually spend.
Instagram Accounts
Mutual Aid & Solidarity Funds
This is a fundraiser to support organizing efforts towards forming the OPLT, a localized tool for reconciliation + repair with Indigenous Peoples.
Holler about resources you’d like to see added to this page.